Rites of Passage

What can a Rite of Passage Do for Us?

Rites of passage can help us to:

  • Become aware of who we are and where we are in life.
  • Give us security, strength, and clarity.
  • Renew us and transform us, opening a new life and identity for us.
  • Bring us recognition on a social level in the eyes of our group.
  • Help us to grow and evolve as individuals on a mental and emotional level.
  • Help us to place ourselves in a healthy position among others based on respect for ourselves. 

What is a Rite of Passage?

A rite of passage is a bridging ceremony, a ceremony of transition from one life stage to another.

Rites of passage are not something new, they are ancient practices that have been lost over the years as we became 'Civilized'. Those ancestral rites fell into the well of social foraging and sick roles and models.

The fast pace of life of this modern era has been erasing the traces of the ancestral rites, leaving the vast majority with no other guide than chaos and unhealthy practices that have substituted them, far removed from the sacred meaning of the rites.

This disconnection from the sacred and the natural cycles of the human being has mostly brought dire consequences for the individual who, without adequately making their vital transitions, can face not only imbalance and lack of security but also leave them at the mercy of harmful social roles and practices.

offer different rites to facilitate these vital transitions healthily and try to reconnect the individual with the sacred character of their cycles, through different rites designed to accompany each of these stages.

There are specific rites for young people, for men, and women. Continue reading for more information.

The Rites on this page I share in different ways:

  • Private Celebration: For a specific family celebration upon request on a private weekend.
  • Collective Celebration: These are in the form of a Weekend Retreat. Open to those who wish to celebrate in communion with others the experience. Retreats are often extremely enriching.

Each of these celebrations usually has some preparations to organize. They are very special moments that require organization and particular elements.

In addition to the celebrations, I also share the training in these Rites, for those who wish to learn to facilitate them to other people.

If you wish more Info about the Rites of Passage Offered or you wish to know about the Training use the Contact Form at the bottom of this page.

Coming into Age Rites for Young People

The Song of the Blood: Menarche Rites for Young Girls

Our blood sings... Sing the song of our ancestors, their stories, their lives, sing our femininity. The blood comes singing the song of the sacred woman when we stop being girls, it sings a song of a Creatrix Goddess, it sings us females, it sings us mature, it sings us, women. The song of blood is very old, as old as humanity. Enter the Circle of womanhood!

The rites are celebrated on a weekend, where the young woman is instilled with her sacred character, and her creative connection with Mother Earth, We talk about beauty, care, what it means to be a woman in a broad sense, other women in her family are welcome to be part of this moment of celebration apart from the mother, so that they can also share their experience as women for the young woman to begin her new life adventure bathed in blessings. To end the rites, a Sacred Name will be given to her for her new stage, a name to recognize the Young Woman, leaving the girl behind.

This rite can be celebrated right before the First Moon or once the young woman has started bleeding.

This rite can also be performed for adult women who have not had a healthy relationship with their Moon and wish to clear and heal their connection with their feminine side while they are bleeding women.

The rites can be requested privately by a family or they can be celebrated in common with other mothers and daughters who wish to share the experience.

The Song of the Mountain: Coming into Manhood Rites for Young Men

Winds of change descend from the mountain, it bring us a song of transformation, at night, of stars, a song of lights and shadows. It brings us the song of those who found their strength in the elements, of those who got lost in the wild and found new paths to walk. The Rites of Manhood go through meeting the wild and growing in the embrace of the mountain...

The duration of these rites is determined by the age of the participant, since they are rites that accompany the young man at different times and the duration is not the same in the First Portal of the rites as in the Second. The duration is extended as the participant is older and although they are celebrated on a weekend or vacation, the preparation begins months before the chosen date since there are many things to do before surrendering to the ritual.

  • The First Portal is crossed between approximately 13 and 15 years of age.
  • The Second Portal before they turn 18.

The participant's father and grandparents can play an important role in these rites and their support is needed and appreciated for the boy who wants to become a man.

To end the rites, a Sacred Name will be given to the Young Man for his new stage, a name to recognize him, leaving the small boy behind.

This rite can also be performed by adult men who have not had a healthy beginning into manhood or are stuck or never really fully grown up into adulthood and wish to cross the portal in a sacred manner.

The rites can be requested privately by a family or they can be celebrated in common with other Fathers and Sons who wish to share the experience Still the Rites have a deep sense of individuality, even shared with others.

Rites of Passage for Adults

Rites for Women

The Honey Song: Coming into Motherhood Rites (For pregnant women)

Women buzz. When we women are full of love We buzz like bees at an energetic level, we shine like the morning sun, and we are flowers full of nectar. A woman full of love is a force of nature, connected with the creative force of Mother Earth and connecting with our inner Goddess.

When our belly is full of life, when our love materializes within us, we hum, we become queen bees and as such, Goddesses. We buzz when we are in our Creatrix Goddess phase because we connect to Mother Earth as Life Givers and we beat our baby's heart with ours.

It is a time of Recognition and Blessings but it is also a time to Heal and to Empower ourselves. Women, we are going to gather, we are going to sing to the Belly with Love, with Pride! We are going to celebrate the Creatrix, the Mother Goddess, we are going to honor and love our Cosmic Uterus, where life explodes taking human form.

This rite over a weekend where the expecting woman goes through different portals. It is a weekend of Blessings and Magic celebrating ourselves as mothers and also growing, preparing for the moment of birth, clearing the path of possible fears or blockages as well.

An intense weekend to celebrate privately or in a group with other moms who wish to go through this preparatory threshold toward motherhood.

The Purple Poppy Song: Rites for the Women that Stops Bleeding (Menopause).

A 45- and 50-year-old woman today is more than ever in the prime of her life! She has lived, and she has an experience that has enriched her on many levels, she will have had children or not, but she is before one of the most important doors of her existence. Her body changes and prepares to say goodbye to her moon, to stop bleeding.
We may still have a while to get to that moment, in any case, we are all going to get there. Maybe in a natural way, maybe because for some reason our body took us to that moment ahead of time, or for a medical cause, no matter how we got there, the important thing is to know that we have to honor that sacred moment, that we have to embrace it. with love and respect because these women are one of the most important doors that will open for us! This is the front door of our empowerment neither more nor less!

An intense weekend to celebrate privately or in a group with other women who wish to go through this preparatory threshold towards Menopause.

The Song of Thunder: An Animistic Path for Men

Mother Earth needs Men who want to approach her with their hearts cut open, without fear. Men who wish to learn her hidden language, because yes, Rites will allow you to speak with Mother Earth who sustains us, will help you to decode the messages of the Great Mystery.
The path of the Rites of Thunder is a Healing Door for men who want to get out of the patterns of the old paradigm. It is an opportunity to heal deep wounds caused by a sick system, an opportunity to share and open up to other men, and to heal together or separately in the Animistic Way.
The Song of Thunder speaks to us of empowered men but of empowerment that comes from personal healing, from embracing the Sacred Masculine and the Invisible Great Mystery and its lessons.
On this path, you will find different Medicine Circles of a few hours designed with a specific healing purpose and intention and Ritual Retreats for Men.

Other Rites

Ness's experience as a Priestess for more than a decade, and on the Shamanic Path for almost 20 years, is invaluable when creating an absolutely Magical Ritual to meet your expectations and dreams.

Handfastings Ceremonies and Vows Renewal.

As a Shamaness, Ness is also very close to the Spirits of Nature, Elements, and Ancestor she is able to craft beautiful and powerful ceremonies, either including spirits or not. She will provide you with the opportunity to create your special day, to express what beats in your heart, to celebrate you and the love that has united you.

Whether it is a Handfasting or a Renewal of Vows, her commitment is absolutely the same: Provide you with a Magical day, to make sure you have a powerful, meaningful, and vibrant ceremony!

Something you will always remember and Ness has enough amount of experience to make it happen.

The Lullaby of the Mouse: Baby Blessing and Naming Rites

When a new life comes, we have to receive it in a sacred manner, we have to recognize that baby within our clan. For this, a Rite to Bless and Recognize that new life must be celebrated.

Our little ones need blessings, and protection to begin to walk through this world, they need our welcome. For as long as they live in their small piece of our universe while they grow up, and arrive at the next vital gate, this rite will hold them.

This Rite can be celebrated in a Day but requires a previous meeting Circle and Preparations.

The Barn Owl Song: Separation and Endings Rites

Do not fear the medicine of the Owl, let her song take you out of the illusion, to show you where to go, because no one will guide you like her in the dark, even if the tears do not let you see where you step into, follow the Barn Owl... Sometimes things have to die to open the door to change, change comes because your soul needs it and you have to say goodbye when there cannot be tomorrow.

Many people forget that a Breakup is a very important part of relationships when it comes to working them with awareness, once we finish our grief phase.

The moment in which a relationship ends is very important, that is why a Rite to consciously close our union with another person at soul levels. You cannot imagine the amount of people who still drag ties and patterns of previous relationships because they weren't closed in a sacred way.

It seems that many people concentrate on celebrating the sacredness of the union but forget that a goodbye also has to be Sacred, that it has to be Healing, and that above all it has to liberate us. This is why I share this Rites!

These rites as others, need previous preparations and can be celebrated on a weekend in Private or a Retreat.

Note: We don't need both integrants of the Couple to do the Rite, just consent, even at a soul level.

The Butterfly Song: Rites to Honour the Death

The butterfly, a symbol of universal transformation, is an ethereal dancer. She is better than any other animal to tell us about transits, death, and transformation.

Butterflies symbolize death or rebirth after death. Some believe that these beautiful creatures represent the souls of those who have left this mortal world.

It is important to celebrate and honor death as another step in this life of ours. Learn to accept and integrate this transition from detachment and deep understanding. Step out of the patterns where we have to remember with pain to honor with love and celebrate. Yes, we are going to celebrate death, our ancestors, we are going to plant flowers instead of sorrows.


With the departure of a loved one, we find ourselves in a vulnerable and complicated moment for many reasons.

For years celebrating rites around life and death in the Shamanic Path, Ness has accumulated experience to be able to provide ceremonies created to celebrate the life of the person and honor their path.

In communication with the family, She can help create a unique ceremony, following the wishes and listening to everything you wish to express. Ness will do her best to create a ceremony for everyone to remember.

Independent of the funeral, I also offer Ash Scattering Ceremonies.

An ashes scattering ceremony is the act of releasing the ashes of a loved one. Scattering the remains of a loved one is an important time and part of dealing with grief and Ness can help you make this day a special memory. I also provide guidance during this difficult time. 

Get in touch for more information about these Rites as I can adapt them by request. 

The Path of the Bones by Ness Bosch
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