The Path of the Bones

- The Teachings of La Huesera - 

There is an old woman who lives in a hidden place that everyone knows but few have ever seen. She seems to wait for lost or wandering people and seekers to come to her place. She is called by many names: La Huesera, Bone Woman; La Trapera, The Gatherer; and La Loba, Wolf Woman...

Artwork by Josefina Morell

The Path of Bones is a place of healing. It is the Path of Bones because it doesn't matter where you come from, it doesn't matter if you speak a different language than mine or your eye color. Under the skin, under all the social layers that distinguish us we all are the same bones, we all look the same through x-rays. It is the Path of the Bones because it is a universal path that does not understand differences or human frontiers. It is the Path of Bones because it is a path that honors our ancestors, the bones of those who preceded us.

The Path of the Bones is a place of healing. We heal through rites of passage, we heal in the circles, we heal when we hunt our shadows and we free our being from the veils that bind us to what we are not.

Walking the Path of Bones, we will face our wounds, but we will also find the sacred. One cannot heal something that has not been thoroughly cleaned, one cannot put a plaster over a wound with pus and pretend that it's healing and pretend that everything is fine. The Path of the Bones is beautiful, it is powerful but is about diving into ourselves, all that we are. This is the path of the Shadow Hunters, this path teaches us not to fear our personal shadows if we want to heal. The Path of Bones is for those who are not afraid to face those shadows to find their inner light and strength.

Teachings of the Path of the Bones

I am a Shadowhunter. That is what I do, I hunt the Shadow.

This training is for those who already have a shamanic base but wish to expand their work and take a quantic leap.  But also for those without any previous knowledge, who want to dive into the deep work of these teachings, to become a Shadowhunter through the work.   These are advanced techniques, yet accessible. But don't be fooled. I won't say this path will be light or easy. It will be challenging the least.  Having 0 experience is not bad, on the contrary, it might be easier for you to embrace this new way of working.

Those with a base will find in my way of working a quantum push that will expand their base knowledge and make their work grow stronger.

Sometimes I share intensive seminars on some of the techniques independently from the training program. These are super intense with their own certification.

The people who study with me will get a certificate as Path of the Bones Shamanic Practitioners.

This training is face-to-face or mixed, part Online, part face-to-face, in Scotland or wherever is a group.

Shamanism is the oldest form of healing and self-healing. The Path of the Bones integrates healing techniques, to help us to expand our consciousness, communicate with spirits,  connect with power and love, and access universal sources of knowledge and wisdom.

This is a path of deep healing, you can walk this path for yourself if you are looking for personal healing, but also if you are looking to expand your tools to help others. Together we will delve into this spiritual journey, and learn so that you can help others using this knowledge.

The shaman is a healer, but not every healer is a shaman. The call of a shaman involves factors that can not be studied, but are part of the personal journey, and normally involve great pain. A shaman has a different vision and experience of reality than the rest of the world. A shaman heals relationships: the relationship between mind and body, the relationship between people, the relationship between people and circumstances, the relationship between human beings and nature, and the relationship between matter and spirit.

You cannot study to be a shaman. You can't.  You can learn techniques that you can use to help others, as shamanic  a practitioner or healer. As a shaman, I can share with you the tools that will help you to be a good healer, but I will never put a shaman title in your hands, that's up to the spirits. I can certify what I share with you, but expect hard work. I can promise it wont be boring and worth every effort. 

Below you will find information about the teachings that I share internationally in person and also Online. Contact me if you wish more information.

Welcome to my Shamanic Universe!

I am La Huesera. 

Ness Bosch. 

Artwork by Josefina Morell
Artwork by Josefina Morell

The Path of the Bones: The Program.

Module I: Entering the Path of Medicine

Weekend I:

  1. What is a Medicine Person?
  2. A Healers Journey.
  3. The call of Medicine. Chosen by the Spirits.
  4. Summary of the Shamanic Initiation.
  5. Shadowhunting.
  6. Power Animals.
  7. Introduction to the Shamanic Journey.

Weekend II:

  1. Spirits and Deities of the land.
  2. Is all about Connection.
  3. Finding Medicine in Mother Nature.
  4. Walking in Beauty.
  5. Medicine Wheel.
  6. Introduction to the Tools of the Shaman.
  7. The Importance of Ceremonies.
  8. Basic Ceremonies.
  9. Meeting our Guardian of the Realms.

Weekend III: Intensive on Ancestral Healing.

  1. Healing in Between Worlds. Shamanic Journey for healing.
  2. Medicine and Illness in your Blood and Bones.
  3. The Importance of Ancestral Healing.
  4. The Cave of the Souls.
  5. Honoring the Ancestors.
  6. Ancestral Healing Practices.

Module II: Expanding our work at the Shamanic Realms I:

Weekend I:

  1. Mapping the Realms: The Work in the World Below.
  2. The Hall of the Mirrors.
  3. Ritual as a Healing Door I.
  4. Frog Medicine Circle.
  5. Shapeshifting for Power and Healing.

Weekend II:

  1. Introducion to the Upper Realms.
  2. Meeting our Spirit Guides.
  3. Going down again: Introduction to Soul Retrieval.
  4. Expanding our work at the Cave of the Souls.
  5. More Gifts from the Guardian.
  6. Soul Retrieval Practices.

Weekend III: Intensive on Past Lives: Your Shamanic Records.

  1. Shadows in our Soul Memories.
  2. Shamanic Records: A Gate to our Past Lives.
  3. 3 ways to access your Soul Records.
  4. A Look into the Future.
  5. Practices.

Module IV: Intensive Shamanic Extractions

Weekend I:

  1. Shamanic Extractions as a healing tool.
  2. Diagnose I: Mapping the Soul.
  3. Introduction to Soul Intrusions and Parasites.
  4. Level 1 Extractions on the Tibetan Lineage.
  5. Extractions with Sound I.
  6. Practice.
  7. Ancestral Healing Practice. (If timing allows it)

Weekend II:

  1. Review of Shamanic Diagnose.
  1. Soul Parasites II.
  2. Level II Extractions on the Tibetan Lineage.
  3. Depossesion and Spirits.
  4. Extractions with Sound II.
  5. Practice.
  6. Soul Retrieval Practice. (If timing allows it).

Module V:
Expanding our work at the Shamanic Realms II:

Weekend I:

  1. More about the World of Above.
  2. Moving across the invisible reality.
  3. The Place to Meet the Divine.
  4. Practices.

Weekend II:

  1. Death, the Great Mystery.
  2. Souls in Transit: The Path to Death.
  3. Death Midwifery in the Path of the Bones.
  4. The Limbo Room.
  5. Ceremony to Birth the Soul back to the Source.
  6. Practice.

Weekend III:

  1. Liminal Worlds.
  2. The Garden of Eden.
  3. The Middle World Explained.
  4. The Gift of Time Travel.
  5. Tools for the Wise.
  6. Practice.

Module VI:  Healing 

  1. Crystals and their uses in Shamanic Healing.
  2. A Form of Shamanic Constellations: A Vital Map to our Relationships.
  3. Medicine Songs for the Soul.

Module VII: Ritual and Shamanic Magic.

Weekend I:

  1. History of Ritual.
  2. A path to the Sacred: Ceremonies.
  3. Ritual as a Healing Door II.
  4. Treatment of the disease from the shamanic point of view.
  5. Ritual Space and Safety.
  6. Ritual Practice.
  7. Cacao Ceremony.

Weekend II:

  1. The Path to Magic.
  2. The Ultimate Tool.
  3. Ritual / Magical Practice.
  4. Magic for Protection.
  5. Curse Magic.
  6. Magical Amulets.
  7. Oracles and Omens.
  8. Special Shamanic Journey.
  9. Practice.

Module VIII: Of Shadows and Bones.

Weekend I:

  1. Intensive Examination and Practices in the Realms I.
  2. Seeding Ceremony.

Weekend II:

  1. Intensive Examination and Practices in the Realms II.
  2. Preparations for Vision Quest.
  3. Ceremony.

Module IX: Closure of the Training.

Weekend I: Purification Weekend.

  1. Ritual Purifications.
  2. Shadowhunters.

Weekend II: Vision Quest.

  1. Vision Quest Weekend.

Weekend III: Training Closing.

  1. Closing of the Training Ceremony.
  2. Certifications. 
The Path of the Bones by Ness Bosch
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